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I love writing poems

I love writing poems


Are any of you like me when you’re writing — sometimes you just want to burst out in a poem?

I solved that urge and have begun each novel with a little bit of quick poetry. I’ve thought about having a character or two write a little bit inside the story as well, but for now, I’ll hang back.

How do you feel when you read a poem at the start?  Does it turn you off? Do you like it? Or do you just skip over it, having little patience for anything but the story?



Stability—I crave it

Control—I need it

Intimacy—I desperately want it

I look okay but I am not

I may be successful in public

But in private, I am struggling

You see me as an adult

Inside I am a little girl

Are you a little boy or girl still afraid like me

I have lost my childhood

Please look at me even as I push you away

Find me

The fences are high to protect my heart

Help me tear them down

I am deathly afraid to take a risk

Even though everything could open up

And I might come out of the shadows

Love me like I want to love you

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