The first chapter of Shadow Heart, Book 1 in the Broken Bottles Series, tells a story of an alcoholic parent, alone with his young daughters, the only thing on his mind – getting to his bottle.
Nicky and Jenise, age 8 and 5, are alone with their father. Their mother works the night shift at Juvenile Hall in San Francisco. Nicky, the youngest of the two describes the feeling in the room: sparks, igniting, pacing, his angry red face . . . those are the kind of images that stay with a child for years.

When I realized dad’s sole mission was to get his daughters out of the way so he could get to his bottle of whiskey, a little part of me knew I wasn’t his priority. It’s a sinking feeling. My heart dropped to my stomach. Sadness in small and large parts resided in me daily.
Worst of all, the revelation that my father didn’t love me enough to stop shattered the trust I had for others—and in myself. I didn’t realize until many years later love had nothing to do with it. Addiction takes over like the disease it is and leaves no room for others.
Nicky’s challenge in the Broken Bottles Series is to find trust in herself, to open her heart and share with others, so she can transition into a life of vulnerability, intimacy, and joy.
Will you do the same?

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