My name is Nicky Young and I’ve written a book series from my journals of what it was like growing up in a family battling alcoholism. My experience is told through a love story that helped to save me from a life is mistrust, fear, and embracing the gloriousness of intimacy.
It is estimated 1 of every 3 children in the United States are exposed to alcoholism in their families.
This was the prayer I said every night from as early as I can remember:
Now I lay me down to sleep.
I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.
Please bless my mother, father, sister, everyone in the word, and me.
And please make my father quit drinking.
Ironic, isn’t it? The last thing I asked for was for God to make my father stop drinking. Even at five years old I understood Dad couldn’t stop on his own and felt the only way was divine intervention. Mom become a codependent in the relationship. After every ugly fight imaginable and the unsuccessful attempts at discussion to get him to change, she’d given up. In the end only wanted to make it easy on us—actually, to be correct, easy on her.
What were your prayers?
When did you realize your family was different?
It doesn’t take long for a child to feel something isn’t right.
Transition into a life of joy.
#brokenbottles #alcoholism #lovestory #YAlit #womensfiction #comingofage
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